诊断放射学 is the branch of medicine that utilizes various advanced technologies to develop high-quality images from which the radiologist can diagnose existing disease processes or abnormalities. These diagnostic interpretations of images are critical in assisting physicians with treatment and care of their patients. The technologies employed in 诊断放射学 at 网上买球软件 include modalities such as radiography, 计算机断层扫描(CT扫描), 核磁共振成像, 超声波, 血管超声, 核医学, 介入放射学, 中心静脉通路装置或PICC服务, 介入放射临床服务, 以及诊断性心导管插入术.
calverthehealth的放射科每天24小时工作, 对大多数模特来说一年365天. 有些检查由随叫随到的工作人员或只按预约进行. Images are acquired on modern equipment and archived on a Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS System) thus making it possible for information to be shared with other areas of the hospital and physician offices.
Our department is staffed with board certified radiologists from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. 每周六和周日有一名全职放射科医生值班. 通过vRad的远程医疗服务用于下班后的阅读.
Staff members in the 放射诊断科 carry credentials and applicable state licenses to ensure the highest level of expertise and continuing competency needed to provide quality patient care. 每年的教育由部门的每位员工完成.
诊断放射学 utilizes electromagnetic radiation through which still images of any body part can be produced on digital equipment and transmitted to the PACS monitors for viewing and interpretation. These x-rays can be performed anywhere in the facility through the use of portable machines.
透视 通过监视器显示动态图像或运动中的图像. 这是用来监测胃肠道的, 血管, 泌尿生殖系统, 注射针头指南, 起搏器插入, 整形手术等等. 同样的技术也广泛应用于手术室和疼痛管理中心. 透视检查通常需要使用灌注造影剂, 摄入, 或者在手术过程中注射.
CT扫描 uses x-rays, detectors, and computer equipment to process algorithms in the formation of images. CT can detect subtle differences in tissue densities that may indicate abnormal findings. 我们的现代, multi-slice CT scanners play a large role in the stroke services that we offer as an accredited Bronze Award 中风 Center. CT程序如肝脏, 肺, 或肾脏活检, 愿望, 引流也在我们的CT室进行.
核磁共振成像 使用非常强的磁场来排列身体组织内的氢核. The nuclei give off signals as they return to their normal state and these signals are gathered by small coils placed at the area of interest to generate an image. 随着科技的进步, 核磁共振成像 gives the best tissue contrast possible and it has become a top choice of musculoskeletal and neuroradiology imaging.
超声波 uses high frequency sound waves to provide real time imaging of soft tissues in the body. 超声波不使用电离或暴露辐射,所以, 一般, 它被认为比x线摄影和CT更安全. 因此, 它主要用于产科成像以及腹部器官成像, 心, 甲状腺, 生殖器官. 血管 超声波 applies the same physics and technology to concentrate on vascular structures such as the carotid arteries, 主动脉, 以及遍布全身的各种静脉 . 在我们的超声区进行胸穿刺和外穿刺研究.
核医学 涉及使用放射性核素或吞食放射性药物, 吸入, 或者注射到体内,并标记为特定的器官. 随着核素在该区域的衰变, they emit radiation which is picked up by the nuclear camera and transformed into images through computer processing programs. This modality is part of the basis of PET CT which is also performed on our campus in the Calvert Medical Imaging Center located in the CMAC building. We also do nuclear cardiology studies to include nuclear cardiac stress tests done in conjunction with the patient's cardiologist. Our 核医学 unit offers dual technology that includes CT to include best practice imaging in cardiac, 胃肠, 骨科研究, 以及传染病.
介入放射学 这个领域通常被称为特殊程序吗. These studies are done by board certified radiologists and include angiography which is the study of 血管, 后凸成形术治疗慢性脊柱疼痛, 肾脏学研究,如肾造口管和肾活检, 插入透析导管, 包括医疗保险批准的颈动脉支架置入, 血栓切除术手术, UFE或子宫肌瘤栓塞, 和其他程序,如中心静脉导管插入.
中心静脉通路 or PICC services are available which indicates the use of a peripherally inserted central catheter that is a long, 纤细的, flexible catheter usually inserted into the upper arm and advanced until the tip reaches a large vein near the 心. 超声波 in used to verify placement and the procedure is usually followed by a chest x-ray to assure correct final placement. 这些线通常用于长期抗生素治疗, 多路访问, 它们比其他方法侵入性更小,使用时间更长.
介入放射学诊所 services are by appointment only during which time the Interventional Radiologist will meet with patients and families to discuss history, 已知的病态, 诊断测试, 治疗方案. 患者由他们的主治医生或咨询医生转介到IR诊所.
诊断性心导管插入术 includes the visualization of the 心 and associated 血管 via a catheter that is inserted into the femoral artery. 插入后,注入造影剂,在显示器上看到图像. The purpose of diagnostic cardiac catheterization is to collect information about the 心 and the condition of the organ and 血管 that supply blood to the area. Special hemodynamic monitoring is performed during the catheterization to record pertinent information about the condition of the patient's 心 and coronary vessels. 心导管插入术由委员会认证的心脏病专家进行.
一般摄影: 安排您的门诊诊断影像服务电话 410.414.APPT. 要联系临床诊断成像工作人员,请致电 410.535.8320 or 8318.
所罗门群岛紧急护理-周一至周五下午2点至10点.m. 周六和周日中午12点到10点.m.
敦刻尔克紧急护理-周一至周五5-10点.m. 周六和周日中午12点到10点.m.
选择一弗雷德里克王子紧急护理-周一至周五下午2点至10点.m. 周六和周日中午12点到10点.m.
透视: 安排您的门诊诊断影像服务电话 410.414.APPT. 要联系临床诊断成像工作人员,请致电 410.535.8317 或直接致电 410.414.4782 为调度.
卡尔弗健康医疗中心 放射学 Department offers fluoroscopy services 24 hours as needed by credentialed physician orders
透视 in the 卡尔弗健康医疗中心 Operating Room-24 hours per day as needed by credentialed physicians
网上买球软件 疼痛管理 服务 fluoro guided services by scheduled appointment
CT扫描: 安排您的门诊诊断影像服务电话 410.414.APPT. 联系临床诊断CT工作人员,请拨打 410.535.8317 or 410.414.4782 为调度.
卡尔弗健康医疗中心 放射学 Dept-offers CT services 24 hours per day for In 病人 and Emergency Department patients
核磁共振成像: 安排您的门诊诊断影像服务电话 410.414.APPT. 要联系临床诊断核磁共振成像工作人员,请拨打410.414.2794.
calverthehealth医疗中心办公楼套房103-周一至周五上午8点.m.-6 p.上午,周六/周日8点.m.-2 p.m.
超声: 安排您的门诊诊断影像服务电话 410.414.APPT. 要联系临床超声诊断人员,请拨打410.414.4735.
In 病人 and Emergency Department services 24 hours per day-to include call coverage
卡尔弗健康医疗中心-周一至周五上午8:30.m.-4:30 p.m.
核医学: 安排您的门诊诊断影像服务电话 410.414.APPT. 要联系临床诊断成像工作人员,请致电 410.535.8322 - 410.414.6559.
网上买球软件 Out Patient Cardiac Testing Medical Office Building Suite #303-Wed and Fri Nuclear Cardiac Stress Testing 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
In Patient and Emergency Department patient services 24 hours per day as indicated to include call coverage
介入放射学及PICC服务: 安排您的门诊诊断影像服务电话 410.414.APPT. 要联系临床诊断介入工作人员,请拨打 410.414.4719.
卡尔弗健康医疗中心-周一至周五上午7:00.m. -5:00 p.m.
calverthehealth主校区-周一至周五上午7点.m.- 5 p.m.